The Forum
11:15 AM to 12:15 PM in the Sanctuary

The Forum is a place for the exchange of a diverse set of spiritual, contemporary, historical, scientific, ecological, and other ideas selected for engaging with the Christian faith creatively and critically. Everyone is welcome.

The Forum is no longer live streamed. You can search for older recordings using the buttons and links below.

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11:15am-12:15pm in the Library

This group meets in the Gregg Library following Sunday Worship Services for the duration of the program year (September-May).

This is a casual, multi-generational, multi-sensory, group bonding, ALL in, coffee-minded, community building, spirit-minded opportunity that may entail some meditation, humor, music, poetry and most of all, YOUR VOICE.

Over the fall, a squad of facilitators, including Del Hokanson, Nancy Law, John Felps and Lisa November, will guide sessions, in the hope that as we “BE-Come” more in tune with the desires of the participants, more participants may want to engage as the visioning team.

2025 JWW Lectureship Series guest lecturer

We are thrilled to present Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Chris Hedges, who will lead us in lectures and conversation throughout the weekend.

Click for futher information Click to register for Friday night tickets
James W. White

Rev. Dr. James W. White served First Congregational from 1989 to 2005.  Jim taught others to enter into a life of faith more fully and more richly, exploring and drawing upon Biblical and historical traditions. Jim often brought thinkers and speakers whom he admired to share with our congregation.

To honor Jim’s ministry and legacy, FCUCC established the James W. White Endowed Lectures. 

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