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Join us for the James W. White Lectureship series in 2025. Chris Hedges will join us for the last weekend of April. 

The following is Pastor Emeritus Rev. Dr. Jim White's recollection of his having learned of Chris Hedges and Jim’s interest in having him come to FCUCC: “When Patti and I were in Seattle, Washington (2008-09), I was doing interim ministry at University Congregational UCC. While there, we learned that this church had an annual lectureship similar to the one our home church established in 2005. The presenter the year I was there was New Testament scholar Marcus Borg. Later I learned one of their most appreciated speakers was Christopher Hedges. In seeing/hearing his talks on a podcast, I was mightily impressed. He knows and can quote both Saint Agustin and Soren Kierkegaard. He is an ordained Presbyterian Minister with a degree from Harvard Divinity School. Beyond his theological credentials—or, because of them—a better critique of American culture and foreign policy I have never heard.

I began to wonder if we might get him here and, sure enough, First Congregational Church's JWW Lectureship Series Team has invited him to be our guest lecturer in the spring of 2025.

So, a little more about Hedges: He is, most notably, a first-rate journalist and front-line war correspondent. He has covered America’s wars in the Balkans, Central America, and the Middle East. He has written for The New York Times and published several books, e.g., The Greatest Evil Is War. Earlier this year, Hedges rightfully called out America’s 2000-pound bomb contributions to the genocide in Gaza.When he comes, he may well be 'controversial'—but in a way that FCC folk will appreciate.”